
Business Intelligence for Contractor Performance & Emissions Profile Improvement

This project provided technical advice for the development of business intelligence dashboards targetting logistics and forestry harvesting contractors.

The project involved extensive data mapping, auditing, cleansing, analytics and visualisation to deliver decision-ready performance and emissions insights for business units

Advice to Displace Fossil Fuels Used in Government Boilers with Renewables

This project provided advice to the Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) Department on renewable energy options for key government-operated buildings across several departments. The project included a complex multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to guide decarbonisation decisions.


Read more about the Boiler Replacement Action Plan here.

Business Intelligence for Emissions Tracking & Reporting


This project provided technical advice for the development of emissions-related business intelligence dashboards covering business and supply chain operations.

The project involved extensive data mapping, auditing, cleansing and exploration to deliver visualisation and statistics compliant with NGER regulations and the GHG protocol.

Opportunities and Challenges for Business and Supply Chain Decarbonisation

This project analysed challenges for decarbonising business and supply chain for one of the largest forestry corporations in Australia.

The project provided recommendations on pathways to an build emissions reduction strategy for the organisation considering decarbonisation, efficiency  and effectiveness measures as well as improved reporting.

Forestry Harvester Head Data Extraction & Analytics


This project delivered a robust, bespoke digital tool that processes data from forestry harvester heads into formats compatible with business intelligence software.

The resulting product allowed the business to extract the full value of their data by transforming it into insights to drive decision-making.

Logistics Analytics for

Port Terminal Efficiency


This project audited and analysed logistics data from eDockets systems and provided recommendations for improving data integrity and for analytics to improve the logistics efficiency at one of the largest wood chip export terminals in Australia.

Biomass Logistics Optimisation for Hydrogen Manufacturing


ABEL Energy’s hydrogen and methanol plant in Bell Bay, Tasmania raised interesting prospects for the sustainable production of hydrogen and methanol. Foresion was engaged to model the facility's biomass logistics to inform decisions on logistics infrastructure, truck configurations and biomass specifications. The solution was BLST simulation tool which allowed the team to generate a wide range of logistics scenarios and test the impact of biomass moisture contents, truck configurations and other aspects on the logistics system’s performance.

Fleet Emission Reduction Pathways


Managing and reducing fossil fuel consumption in corporate fleets is a challenging task. Transitioning to alternative fuel vehicles is even more difficult due to differences in technologies and perceptions about the technologies. What actions reduce emissions most in the short term? Which type of vehicle would be right for the organisation to balance business and environmental goals? We have answered these questions in this project for Sustainable Timbers Tasmania.

New Technologies and Processes in the Timber and Wood Products Industry

This project, comissioned by the South and Central Queensland Forestry Hub, aimed to provide strategic insights on innovations and technologies to advance the timber and wood products' sector productivity and sustainability. Participatory design was used to stimulate cross-organisational conversationsand supply chain-wide collaborative thinking.


Read the project report here

Developing a Bioenergy Vision


This project contributed to the development of the draft bioenergy vision for Tasmania. The project consisted of an extensive participatory design approach which involved dozens of industry and government representatives. The insights obtained through this design process fed into the Tasmanian Government's Department of State Growth draft bioenergy vision development.


Read the State Growth's Draft Bioenergy Vision for Tasmania here

Forestry Supply Chain & Infrastructure Assessment

This project aimed to support strategic planning for the Northern Tasmania Regional Forestry Hub on supply chain and infrastructure challenges and opportunities in the North and North West of Tasmania. The project consisted of stakeholder engagement through surveys and workshops as well as the provision of advice on the development of a supply chain and infrastructure vision. The outcomes of this report have informed Commonwealth Government investment and prioritisation decision making


Read the full report here

Truck Congestion Management


This complex project aimed to reduce truck congestions at TasPorts’ BCET facility in Burnie, Tasmania and consisted of extensive deployment of data analytics, simulation modelling, stakeholder engagement and design workshops. The team analysed truck telemetry data, built a simulation model of the port facility, engaged with stakeholders to find or develop potential solutions and evaluated the impact of potential solutions. The outcomes of this work have informed TasPorts decision-making on strategic infrastructure investments and led to a 20% reduction in truck congestion at the facility


Read more about this project here

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